I spent Friday and Saturday in a way that's hard to beat (IMHO) - sitting in the stands at Lord's, watching a hugely competitive cricket match between a much improved England and the batting talent of India.
I first got entangled in cricket by my paternal grandfather - he even took me to @homeofcricket - back in the late 1960s and early 70s. I've spent a great deal of my life either glued to the radio (entranced by the poetry of magical place names like "Bangalore"), transfixed by the play on TV or - when I've been particularly lucky - sitting as I did at the weekend in the stands (various in cities around the world ditto). England, oh my England...
But what struck me in my most recent visit is how easily cricket fans of all ages (not just the digerati) have taken to Transmedia Cricket.
You sit inside the ground with a beer or glass of wine in your hand: you watch the play, occasionally enhanced by big screen replays and your fellow fans (conversation buzzes around the seats in the stands like wasps around the bins bellow). But nowadays, there's also the radio earpieces (featuring both Sky and TMS commentaries) and nowadays smart phones aplenty, with Twitter and newspaper OBOs (I have loved the Guardian one since 2005's Ashes escapade) to enhance our engagement with both what is front of us and those we're sharing it with. Old media abounds, too (the day's newspaper recycling must be enormous).
Next time someone tries to b-s you with "transmedia" think of the sun on the pitch at Lords. Now back to the game...