"The early 21st Century. That's when everything changes. We've got to be ready" [Captain Jack Harkness]
I'm going to risk a prediction: this year is the one when everything is going to change (at least, that's how it will seem in retrospect)
The year when the collision between our experiments with new technologies, the cold bite of the economic realities and the rush of our new insights into ourselves and our profoundly social nature will together force us to rethink and rework everything we do.
IMHO it's not going to be a matter of evolving: we're approaching a discontinuity, a singular moment, after which everything will be different.
Not one of us knows quite how things will be on the other side, nor can we hope to til we get there.
So what can we do?
Travel hopefully? Remain open-minded? Watch and learn from each other? Try lots of things & back lots of horses? All of these and more.
More indeed: let's not fall for any old ideas that we bring with us from the past - old ideas arising, like most marketing science, out of Mid Century Midwest USA and thus far from eternal and unchanging.
Let's test our ideas and practices against the simple measure: is this just the old map re-written? is it just "evolved"? Changed a little in form but not in substance?
If everything changes, then shouldn't your ideas and map change, too?
Happy New Year, everybody!